Whenever it comes to any kind of crises, AISECS always try to reach out with open hands because we believe in being human and helping out with the best available resources we have, whether it be by making the efforts of buying the goods or cooking 100 meals delivering and supplying it directly to the public in need.
Unfortunately, this has been the worst week of fires and as we all know summers has just begun so which means it will only get worse every new day.
So during this tough time ,our main agenda on this issue is going to be that we Constantly keep doing drop offs for our fire fighters and give them whatever they require by being united .
Friends, we need your support like always to hold hands and come in full force to rest these fires out. We cant beat nature’s force over night but we can bring hope and love in people’s hearts.
Kindly support our firefighters and the community by donating whatever you can guys.
Please share the helping hand during this time of bushfire crises and spread the message of kindness.
#NSW Rural Fire Service
#Hawkesbury Headquarters Rural Fire Brigade
#Fire and Rescue NSW
#NSW RFS Hawkesbury Catering Brigade