The biggest vaccine as of now against corona virus is protecting yourself and isolating from gatherings. At initial stage its very difficult to predict COVID-19 but some symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. Some of the handy tips to protect yourself are:
- 1. Regularly and thoroughly wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or use an alcohol-based sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
- 2. Wash your hands before, during and after food preparation, and between handling raw and cooked food
- 3. Wipe down benches and tables after use with alcohol-based disinfectant wipes
- 4. Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue, then dispose of the used tissue immediately
- 5. Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose and mouth
- 6. Stay at home if you feel unwell
- 7. If you are unwell or concerned about your health you should isolate yourself in a room away from others, contact your GP or a health professional.
- 8. For advice on when to seek medical attention, refer to NSW Health.
- 9. Listen to only reliable news and podcast from Department of Health to remain updated
- 9. Listen to only reliable news and podcast from Department of Health to remain updated