[vc_row][vc_column][contentbox translatex=”0″ translatey=”0″][vc_single_image image=”15146″][/contentbox][vc_column_text css_animation=”flipInX”]The uncertain and unpredictable challenges that the COVID-19 virus produced, put the entire world in a spot of bother. The never-give-up attitude of humanity ensured...

Protecting Yourself

  • June 22, 2021
  • admin
The biggest vaccine as of now against corona virus is protecting yourself and isolating from gatherings. At initial stage its very difficult to predict COVID-19 but some symptoms of...

Travel Advice

  • June 22, 2021
  • admin
Federal Government has raised its Smart Traveller alert to Level 4 which is the highest level, advising Australians not to travel overseas at this time, regardless of the destination....